Saturday, August 31, 2019

Leaderships: Gender and Characteristics Essay

Leader from different gender can bring good and bad to organization. However, studies shows bad and good leader can be from both male and female leaders. From the follower’s perspective, there were no significant indicators shows either male or female leaders is the worst or good leader (Singh P., Nadim A.& Ezzedeen S.R, 2012) In recent years, more and more women becoming a leader in organization, here in Malaysia itself, Bank Negara Malaysia is led by a women. This topic, Leadership style and gender had become interesting and most intensely studied in the field of Leadership. The purpose of this articles is to identify leaderships styles by different gender and what are the characteristic identified as a good or bad leaders for each gender. Some characteristic may share by both gender and some may be uniquely to one gender. By identifying these criteria we should be able to further identify which styles significant for each. Literature Review Leadership in organization is defined as a process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its effort toward goal setting and goal achievement (Stogdill, 1950). By the definitions, we can firmly confirm that either male or female can be a leader which the long belief that leadership effectiveness equates with masculinity and being male (Eagly & Karau, 2002). Gender differences in organization leadership’s style is still full of ambiguity and paradox despite the number of studies done to address the topic. There are still unanswered questions (Moran, B. B., 1992). Further study in gender differences in leadership style were further studied by Eagly and Johnson (1990). The findings indicates that women were more participative or democratic compared to men. Men were more directive or autocratic than women. Contingency theory suggest men and women use different approaches to leaderships, women focus on social and emotional concerns and being supportive of their members whereas men are more task oriented (Gray, 1992). This two characteristics, referred as democratic and autocratic leadership styles. Traditional leadership models and expectations are still in place, presenting challenges for women in such roles. An exploration of gender stereotypes about leadership serves as a foundation for positing new leadership definitions and strategies for successful negotiation of leadership roles. In the Malaysia, career expectations for both women and men have shifted over time. If women are in professions in which leadership is expected, additional concerns related to this pressure may be raised. C. West and Zimmer- man (1987) suggested that gender is in fact an action that allows individuals to ascribe meaning to daily functions and describe the way that specific gender roles enable and enhance certain functions. Bem (1974) began the discussion on gender in the late 1970s and presented a gender continuum. She suggested that androgyny is the sought-after perspective to highlight the best of a person’s masculine and feminine sides, rather than the traditionally prescribed focus on gender roles for men and women. The androgynous approach is meant to liberate men and women to more freely express themselves and their masculine and feminine qualities. Discussion Traditional perspectives and gender roles may be denigrated by some and expected by others. Thus, the female leader is left in a quandary. As gender, an issue worthy of regard, has received more attention, gender’s role in career transitions, career choice, and career success has been studied. Learning how to be a leader may present yet another challenge for female leader. Considered within the framework of feminism, mentoring itself may be counter to ideals of equality by virtue of the imbalance of power inherent in the relationship. However, such an assumption is based on the traditional notion of mentoring relationships in which there is a teacher and a student. Wary of being perceived as having a separatist attitude, many women tacitly agree to â€Å"play the game,† whose rules were made by the men who typically held the power, and attempt to get ahead professionally by following the traditionally male-oriented routes to success. Other women may feel marginalized by this perspective and fear that they will not be able to get ahead without sacrificing family, relationships, or their personal well-being. Many men are faced with an even greater challenge to uphold the masculine gender role expectation to be career-driven and success-oriented, when in fact they may prefer to spend more time with family, friends, and generally nurturing themselves and their relationships (Staggenborg, 1998). Through historical examples and traditional organization leadership, women may receive the message that assuming leadership means they must sacrifice in other areas of their life. Perhaps the definitions and portrayal of leadership are in need of exploration to address their inherent challenges to different gender. Examining traditional definitions of leadership, leadership styles, and the role of gender in leadership provides a foundation for understanding these challenges and creates a platform for opportunities for reform and support. J. D. West, Osborn, and Bubenzer (2003) suggested three leadership dimensions: context, vision, and action. Context involves exploration of the population or task, vision reflects work to achieve an intended goal, and action moves people and process toward change and improvement. Leadership requires one to be an advocate for a profession, a cause, or a task (J. D. West et al., 2003). Similarly, Borders and Shoffner (2003) defined leaders as individuals who are change agents, social activists, and catalysts in their disciplines. In the counseling profession, leaders may be in various positions and serve myriad functions. Given these functions, leadership may be a sought-after quality. The degree to which a daily work is construed as fulfilling a leadership role may be a reflection of the profession’s definition. Leadership Styles It is perhaps the manner in which one leads that distinguishes style and perception of ability. Collaborative, transformational, and context-driven leadership styles are inherently geared toward stereotyped interpersonal leadership styles attributed to women. At odds with the traditional view of how women should behave are the characteristically male leadership styles that are driven by authoritarianism and swift decision making. A qualitative study of eight female leaders suggested that women’s leadership attributes and behaviors are actually an interaction between personal, interpersonal, and professional domains (Black & Magnuson, 2005). Black and Magnuson (2005) highlighted authenticity, compassion, and vision, respectively, with the three domains they identified. It might even be suggested that the traditional hierarchical model of leadership, challenged by feminist efforts to equalize power (Humble et al., 2006), runs counter to the actual lived experience of women’s leadership. An individual’s leadership style reflects a unique combination of personality traits and professional goals and vision (Black & Magnuson, 2005). It is assumed that leadership style will correlate with success. Yet, the myriad books describing leaders across disciplines do not advocate a specific leadership style (e.g., J. D. West et al., 2003). Leadership Theory: The Role of Gender Leadership, by implication, suggests power. Yet, power comes in many forms and, historically, addresses issues of oppression. Dimensions of race, gender, and class have been conduits of oppression. Gender has not been fully explored within the context of oppression and may have a place in discussions of hierarchy and power (Murray, 2006). Stepping into a leadership role can be a means of exerting power over traditionally oppressed groups or, conversely, a means of reacting to one’s own history of oppression and thereby exerting one’s first experience with power. Multiple cultural identities have challenged the stereotypes of leadership. For example, Bradley (2005) discussed the traditional stereotypes for professional African American women as either â€Å"Mammy† or â€Å"Sapphire,† referencing instead the nurturing and strength they bring to their professional roles. There are penalties for holding professional roles that by nature do not fit with the stereotypes of African American women, including criticism by other. Traditional masculine and feminine traits are stereotyped in terms of leadership potential. Women in leadership positions are often expected to demonstrate typical masculine traits such as decisiveness, authority, and directness. Women are perceived to work from a care and relational orientation, and these traits may be inconsistent with the traditional concept of leadership (Gilligan, 1982). However, concepts of patriarchal power and hegemonic masculinity challenge women to uphold traditional gender role expectations (Coleman, 2003). Participants in a qualitative study of female head teachers in England and Wales found advantageous ways to step outside of the male role (Coleman, 2003). Several participants in this study discussed using â€Å"feminine wiles† and having different interactions with men to achieve their professional functions. Whether decisiveness, authority, and directness are indeed reserved for men and masculine behavior is a multilayered question that addresses surface behaviors and, more deeply, effective leadership styles. There are distinct challenges for women who wish to assume leadership positions, either by choice or by nature of their abilities.. The profession must move beyond leadership stereotypes to which female leaders may conform and promote the strengths of each individual. Similarly, consistent with the profession’s multicultural and social justice emphases, provisions must be made to consider individuals’ personal strengths rather than assume that they must change to effectively lead. Stereotyped gender perspectives are generally unintentional and based largely on personal belief systems and experiences (Staggenborg, 1998). The organization might even benefit from female leaders who, as a way to validate women engaging in similar struggles, publicly share the challenges they face in their effort to balance multiple roles and responsibilities (Steiner, 2006). Mainstream authors (e.g., Warner, 2005) have suggested that organizational and societal infrastructures must change if women and men are to be equally successful. Providing child care at conferences, offering flexible work schedules, and identifying differential markers for success and accomplishment have been recommended (Levitt & Hermon, 2009). Defining leadership in terms of action and style rather than position and power is a framework that organization may endorse. Even exploration of the professional literature can have an impact on this perspective. Exploring gender differences with respect to social context, not simply a male–female dichotomy, may provide greater meaning in the explorations of human development and counseling phenomena (Yoder & Kahn, 2003). My experience working with different gender either as a manager or subordinate, show a different aspect, characteristic and behavior of male and female leader. Most Malaysia male leader are more democratic, task oriented and open minded. Female leader on the other hand, adopt and strict follow the rule leaderships. However, no studies show that women are bad or worst leader. This may due to more male leader compare to women leaders. If both gender are equal in leadership role, some significant finding will can be shows. Currently, more women report to male manager/leader. The perception on good or bad leader will be totally based on their experience. However, some consideration should be make, to just good or bad leader. Some studies show, if leader either male or female which have characteristic as empowering, knowledgeable, inspiring were consider as good leader. If male or female who have characteristic as autocratic, unaspiring, degrading and manipulative is voted as bad leaders. This can be seen in our daily work. Due to challenge, male and female who able to cope with pressure in either work or family life plus with hectic lifestyle today, they will become a good leader. Those who failed to cope with all the pressure, will somehow effecting their leadership’s style. Some studies show that male have strong understand of their good or bad leader compare to women. Even in dyad relationships, male to male, female to female relationship should be good for organizations, but study show, men prefer male as their leaders.

Leiningen Essy Essay

Throughout the ages, man has constantly been forced to battle with nature. â€Å"Leiningen versus the Ants† by Carl Stephenson is about a landowner, Leiningen, in Brazil who is warned by a Brazilian official that an army, ten miles long and two miles wide, of ants is headed straight for his plantation and are expected to reach his plantation in two days at the latest. But Leiningen believes that the Brazilian official is â€Å"pulling his leg† when he advises him to evacuate the plantation because of ants. Against all odds, Leiningen is able to defeat a twenty square mile army of ants by ossessing leadership, confidence, and intelligence. One of the key reasons that Leiningen is able to defeat the army of ants is his great leadership skill because with a great leader who everyone trusts in, the group or army will be united as one and work as one. After Leiningen has been informed of the ants that are approaching his plantation, Leiningen prepares for the battle by moving the women and children and cattle to safety. The women and children, then the herds of cattle, were escorted by peons on rafts over the river, to remain on the other side in absolute safety†¦ (2). Leiningen is keeping the people and animals that cannot fght safe, which demonstrates his leadership and control over the plantation and everything living there while also illustrating his care for the women, children, and cattle. After the battle has begun, Leiningen is forced to make quick decisions, including the deci sion to drop a match into the petrol-filled ditch. â€Å"Everyone back from the ditch! ‘ roared Leiningen. The men rushed away, without the slightest idea of his plan†(9). Leiningen’s men show great obedience to Leiningen when they rush way from the ditch without details of his plan demonstrating that Leiningen is a reliable leader who they can trust. Finally, Leiningen displays that he is a respected leader who will put his own life at risk to save those of his men. â€Å"Listen, lads! ‘ he shouted. ‘†¦ There’s still a chance to save our lives†by flooding the plantation from the river†¦. Well, I’m not going to let you try it; if I did I’d be worse than one of those ants. No, I called the tune, and now I’m going to pay the piper†(11). There are few leaders in todays society, or even in history, that would put their own life at risk nstead of the life of one of their men. Leiningen shows absolutely incredible leadership in this instance where he is basically willing to give his life for the lives of his men. Leadership played a key role in Leiningen’s success because Leiningen was able to lead his men and bring them together as one unit as oppose to individuals working by themselves. In addition to leadership, Leiningen possesses a vital element of success, confidence. Leiningen believed that he could defeat the ants, which gave Leiningen and his men confidence in every precaution, and action they were taking in he steps towards defeating the ants. Leiningen had made every precaution his mind could think of, â€Å"And now he was sure he would prove more than a match for the ‘irresistible’ ants†(2). Leiningen believes that he will defeat the ants due to the great precaution that he has taken to stop them. By believing that his precautions would be successful, Leiningen illustrates confidence not only in him, but also in his actions. Speaking to the Brazilian officer about the claim he had made about the ants being an â€Å"act of God,† Leiningen replies, â€Å"Act of God, my eye! Anyway, I’m not an old woman; only needs confidence in what he has done, but also in what he is capable of doing. Leiningen demonstrates that he has confidence in his capability to hold off the ants and defeat them. In the same reply to the Brazilian officer who described to Leiningen the vastness and power of the ant army, Leiningen states, â€Å"l use my intelligence, old man. With me, the brain isn’t a second blindgut; I know what it’s there for†(l). Again Leiningen illustrates confidence that he will have no problem holding off the ants simply with his intelligence. Leiningen’s success can be greatly attributed to his characteristic of confidence because believing that he was able to defeat the ants caused him to strive towards that goal and become successful. Intelligence is more than Just having smarts; it is knowing how to apply those smarts to real-life situations. Leiningen is a man with great intelligence who is able to use his intelligence, along with leadership and confidence, to aid in his defeat of the vast army of ants.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology is just one of several subdivisions of psychology, focusing on mental disorders and emotional instabilities. A clinical psychologist prevents, evaluates, and treats these problems in individuals. Clinical psychology is an important profession nowadays. Looking back, the thought of school shootings were unthinkable. Back then, the children who exhibited severe emotional/mental problems were identified and referred to for help. Now they are ignored until they come to school with guns and kill people. Then, instead of being seen as a mental health problem, it becomes a legal problem. Unfortunately, it's become quite difficult to prosper in this profession. Managed care has cut reimbursement for psychology to such an extent that private practice is becoming almost unfeasable. It is possible, though. Depending on the state, there are licensing requirements. Here in Ohio, that means taking a rigorous exam, and having the educational and supervisory requirements. For instance, one will need a Ph.D. and one year of supervised experience before being able to even sit for the exam. It's difficult to receive a Ph.D. One must graduate college with virtually straight A's, and then it's 4-6 years of graduate school. Once the person is fianlly licensed, they can set up their practice. The Federal Government recognizes education and experience in certifying applicants for entry-level positions. In general, the starting salary for psychologists having a bachelor's degree was about $20,600 in 1999; those with superior academic records could begin at $25,500. Psychologists with a master's degree and 1 year of experience could start at $31,200 . Psychologists having a Ph.D. or Psy.D. degree and 1 year of internship could start at $37,800, and some individuals with experience could start at $45,200. Beginning salaries were slightly higher in selected areas of the country where the prevailing local pay level was higher. The average annual salary for psychologists in the Federal Government was $66,800 in early 1999. The working conditions for a clinical psychologist is the same as a psychologist in any other field of study. Clinical psychologists work in comfortable office settings, classrooms, or laboratories. Some that are in a private practice choose to set their own hours, but may have to work evenings and weekends to accommodate client schedules. For clinical psychologists that teach at places of education, they might divide their time between teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities. The types of jobs available are working in counseling centers, independent or group practices, hospitals, or clinics. As you can see, there's a wide variety of places to work, it's based on the person's preference. In conclusion, clinical psychologists might have a rough time making it to the top, but once they do, it'll be worthwhile in both pay and experience. A Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology is just one of several subdivisions of psychology, focusing on mental disorders and emotional instabilities. A clinical psychologist prevents, evaluates, and treats these problems in individuals. Clinical psychology is an important profession nowadays. Looking back, the thought of school shootings were unthinkable. Back then, the children who exhibited severe emotional/mental problems were identified and referred to for help. Now they are ignored until they come to school with guns and kill people. Then, instead of being seen as a mental health problem, it becomes a legal problem. Unfortunately, it's become quite difficult to prosper in this profession. Managed care has cut reimbursement for psychology to such an extent that private practice is becoming almost unfeasable. It is possible, though. Depending on the state, there are licensing requirements. Here in Ohio, that means taking a rigorous exam, and having the educational and supervisory requirements. For instance, one will need a Ph.D. and one year of supervised experience before being able to even sit for the exam. It's difficult to receive a Ph.D. One must graduate college with virtually straight A's, and then it's 4-6 years of graduate school. Once the person is fianlly licensed, they can set up their practice. The Federal Government recognizes education and experience in certifying applicants for entry-level positions. In general, the starting salary for psychologists having a bachelor's degree was about $20,600 in 1999; those with superior academic records could begin at $25,500. Psychologists with a master's degree and 1 year of experience could start at $31,200 . Psychologists having a Ph.D. or Psy.D. degree and 1 year of internship could start at $37,800, and some individuals with experience could start at $45,200. Beginning salaries were slightly higher in selected areas of the country where the prevailing local pay level was higher. The average annual salary for psychologists in the Federal Government was $66,800 in early 1999. The working conditions for a clinical psychologist is the same as a psychologist in any other field of study. Clinical psychologists work in comfortable office settings, classrooms, or laboratories. Some that are in a private practice choose to set their own hours, but may have to work evenings and weekends to accommodate client schedules. For clinical psychologists that teach at places of education, they might divide their time between teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities. The types of jobs available are working in counseling centers, independent or group practices, hospitals, or clinics. As you can see, there's a wide variety of places to work, it's based on the person's preference. In conclusion, clinical psychologists might have a rough time making it to the top, but once they do, it'll be worthwhile in both pay and experience.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 11

Marketing - Essay Example Examples of costumer information for this hand-held computer company are; i. Businesses have a mix of bad, good and best customers in the market. Market information helps to distinguish between these groups of people and finally come with a strategy that is applicable to all. For a company, dealing with hand-held computer games, the information needed in the market will consider; ii. Customer preference-Since there are many varieties of computer games, the researcher will specifically look for what is being enjoyed most by the customers. If it is racing or action backed gaming, then the company should dwell more on that line iii. Customer age-just to be sure what ages of the customers are attracted to the products, it is important to know the exact ages of the group Computer gaming is common among the young people and it would be clear if the company knows the clear age bracket for technical and regulation purposes. iv. Customers’ location- the geographic location of the customer is important especially where the company is going global. Issues of culture, social behaviors and economic communication processes will be very important. Exporting products (electronic-computer related) to the Antarctic will need technical considerations on terms such as climatic and transportation costs. v. Consumer education- computer games are electronically developed and needs a lot of skills if not knowledge to master and enjoy the game. It would be very impractical for the company to market such products in remote parts of Kenya where even electric power is a nightmare let alone availability of computers. vi. Occupation of costumers-very busy customers will find little time for computer games. It is therefore important that the company seeks to find out targets that are keen to having computer games for leisure. vii. Purchasing power- a company cannot just sells the products

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Comparing Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini's use of light Essay

Comparing Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini's use of light and shadow in their architecture - Essay Example In their architectural works, Borromini symbolized the imaginative and idiosyncratic sector of the baroque while Bernini represented the purposes and ideas of ancient Rome (Zelanski & Fisher 172). During their architectural works, both architectures used light as a building material so that they can cause visual and ornamental effect to describe the planned space. Therefore, both the architecture perceived light and shadow in their buildings for identity. Comparing Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini’s use of light and shadow in their architecture Both Bernini and Francesco used light and shadow in different sectors of their architectural works for varying functions. First, they considered the rays of light very important in their work since they used windows to act as lighting holes. They used windows to attract sunrays as seen on the church of the monastery. These architectures also used window lights in their works to show the cyclic values of time on varying seaso ns. They ensured that they built their windows in a systematic manner to have an opening, which allows rays to penetrate into specific areas within a house. Second, both Bernini and Francesco included light walls in their architectural works (White 27). ... An example is the church at Walsenburg Abbey. They enabled uniform lighting in their works by including several windows. Both architectures blended light and shadow in their work to make them appear livelier. This is because; both architectures believed that good lighting improves the surfacing texture, depth and the form of the work. They used different types of lighting and shadow in different areas; for example, they used homely lighting during the interior designs for domestic homes. Bernini and Francesco used light and shadow in their art works in order to bring about decorative effect (White 28). This is because light effects on any artwork clearly show the design of that work hence helping many people in defining such work. Both architectures considered light and shadow to rhyme; therefore, they used glass and other translucent materials in order to avoid brightness hence creating shadows in their artistic works. During their time, both architectures used light mainly in inter ior designs. They integrated fenestration together with artificial light hence creating illumination, which gave their works a sense of movement and emotion. They applied interior lighting to lessen focal prominence hence increasing a sense of openness as well as height of the objects. Both architectures used natural light to draw attention to specific parts of a given space and this was commonly applicable in churches and uniform tall windows. They also used light and fire to make their surfaces more reflective and the candle encouraged spectacular illumination (Ficher-Rathus 400). ContrastingGian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini’s use of light and shadow in their architecture Bernini and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Research paper about Korean Art ( Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

About Korean Art ( - Research Paper Example The post war Korean has been presented by the tansaekhwa artists in a beautiful manner. The past legacies before and after the war have been presented to portray the differences between the two times. The empire legacies, colonisation and nationalism have been presented and explained. According to Kim (2005, p.4), â€Å"it was not surprising that the Korean contemporary art only became conscious of its identity after the war.† Many artists have contributed to the evolution of culture in Korea. This evolution has been demonstrated through works of art such as drawings, paintings in abstract colours. Generally, this has been particularly achieved by the cotemporary Korean artists through the use of different pictures and portraits have been used to bring life back to the ancient dynasties and kingdoms as well as empires The contemporary Korean art styles particularly emerged in 1945 following the end of the Japanese occupation. However, the history of Korean art dates back to 3000 BCE when the first known Korean art consisting of votive sculptures and other stone age works were made. These early forms of art were then followed by various art styles from different Korean dynasties and kingdoms. During the Goryeo dynasty of 918-1392, many Korean artists began to base their artistry on modified Chinese traditions but with native preferences. The introduction of western art styles to Korea came through China in the 18th century and was subsequently followed by the Japanese occupation at the beginning of 1880s. Between the nineteenth and the twentieth century, Korean culture has undergone a vital transformation in the social, cultural and the political scene. In the 1960s, a famous 20th century Korean artistic movement known as Tansaekhwa (monochromatic painting) increasingly gained popularity among many artists in Korea before it eventually became the international representation of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

EVOLUTION Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EVOLUTION - Term Paper Example Genetic drift on the other hand leads to variation in the gene pool while non-random mating and gene flow results in reduction of differences among populations. 12. Biogeography is concerned with the geographical location of species all over the planet. Related species or species that share common ancestry can be found in different regions with similar climatic conditions. 13. Analogous structures occur due to convergent evolution for instance wings in both insects and birds while homologous structures are similar in anatomy but different in functions such as bat and birds which have pterodactyl wings. Vestigial structures are redundant with no biological importance or use like the ear bones in humans. 14. Embryonic development is important in explaining evolutionary relationships in that related species usually have patterns of embryonic development that resemble one another. Moreover, similar patterns of development are hypothesized as to have only evolved once. 18. Microevolution refers to changes within a genetic pool which results in small changes in an individual while macroevolution is significant changes in individuals resulting in creation of new species. 20. Barriers to reproduction can either be pre or post zygotic isolation mechanisms. In Pre-zygotic isolation, the mechanism occurred before breeding and include; gametic, mechanical and habitat isolations. On the other hand, post reproduction isolation occurs after copulation in includes mechanisms such as hybrid sterility, zygote mortality and non viable hybrids. 21. Allopatric speciation occurs when species are separated by a physical barrier while parapatric speciation takes place when species are not separated by barriers but live on the same area but develop different adaptations due to things such as pollution. On the other hand, sympatric speciation is controversial because it takes place in members within the same geographical location. 25. Cladistic approaches

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Fishy Foods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Fishy Foods - Essay Example Fishy food successfully managed the adverse effects of the recession and efficiently used its finances to complete its business as well as its stakeholders. The data used in this report has been sourced from the given case study. Moreover, the theoretical data has been taken from several relevant books which have been mentioned in the reference list. The market-related information has been procured from Mintel and journal articles. Every startup company needs a proper set of marketing strategies for it to prosper and ensure sustainable growth. This report is based on a hypothetical start-up company which started its business in Birmingham by selling specialty fish based food products. The company was started off by two friends John and God. They decided to offer a unique food variety to the customers. The company was named Fishy Foods, which gradually expanded over the years and became quite popular among the customers. Despite the economic crunches caused by the recession, the compa ny managed to sustain its business. This report highlights the marketing strategies taken by the company and how it helped to sustain the business, the internal and external environment and how it influenced the business activities. It also covers the customer behavior along with the STP (segmentation, targeting, positioning) analysis and how the company leveraged it to their own benefit. Fishy Foods caters to the mass market and specialized in fish based foods. The company started off by selling fish finger sandwiches and other fish products like fish soup, fish, and chips with different variants. In order for a new company like Fish foods to run its business successfully, it needs to implement the proper marketing strategies. Before starting a business the company needs to assess the market environments and make any decisions based on the assessment results (Atherton, 2007).  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Theories of Bad Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theories of Bad Leadership - Essay Example And (5) Are good and bad leadership qualitatively different phenomena? Kellerman’s views from her discourse entitled â€Å"Costs and Benefits: Why We Need to Study Bad Leadership† proffered pertinent issue relative to incompetent leaders based on two claims: (1) placing bad leadership on two axes: unethical and ineffective; and (2) stipulating seven types of bad leadership, to wit: incompetent, rigid, intemperate, callous, corrupt, insular, and evil (Kellerman, 2004, pp. 3-4). By eventually expounding on the costs of bad leadership, as well as finding justifications for any perceived benefits and confirming in the end that â€Å"without followers nothing happens, including bad leadership† (Kellerman, 2004, p. 8). One therefore shares the same contention as the evidence Kellerman presented to prove from the cited actual examples that it actually takes two to tango. From the point of view of Kellerman, leaders can fail given the opportune situation and with the assistance, negligence, blind obedience, conformity, or even ignorance of the followers. Aside from exhibiting any or a combination of the seven types of bad leadership enumerated above, leaders apparently fail with the assistance of the followers. Kellerman cited followers who were deemed enablers, blind supporters, covering for the leaders’ mistakes, compliant and ignorant stakeholders who enable leaders to operate without the benefit of checks and balances, and allowing assuming an avoiding stance. Lipman-Blumen’s view, on the other hand, used six psychological factors that explain why people apparently allow, choose, and support the existence of bad leaders. These factors include the needs for reassuring figures, security and certainty, feel special or chosen, and being part of a community; as well as fears for being ostracized and being powerless (Lipman-Bluman, 2006, p. 29). These psychological factors that could be traced since developmental stages form the basis for selecting leaders

Friday, August 23, 2019

Case summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Case summary - Essay Example For instance, Paula can be unfamiliar with new bedding standard of the hotel. One more possible reason is that Paula finds it difficult to fit to this standard because it challenges her usual pace of work. Lisa does not consider these options at all; her evaluation of Paulas work seems to be too subjective. I believe that Lisa treats Paula differently from other housekeepers. According to her opinion, cleaning is physically hard and even younger employees â€Å"are challenged†. Despite Paulas high quality of work, Lisa speaks about Paulas age negatively. If I were a manager, I would not believe Lisa because her evaluation is discriminatory. All people have to be treated equally at work despite their age, sex, gender, religion etc. In order to make the right decision, I will check whether Paula really cannot meet the standard of the hotel. To resolve the issue, I would advise Lisa to talk with Paula about new bedding standards and her performance. As Paulas line manager, Lisa has to give her a constructive feedback about her performance. She has to mention both good and bad aspects of Paulas work to show that her contribution to the team is appreciated. Moreover, Lisa has to make sure that Paula is familiar with new bedding standard. If she finds it difficult to fit it, Lisa can offer her a training program. There are younger housekeepers who are also challenged by new bedding standard. They can join Paula and learn from her how to boost their quality of work. Younger employees can benefit from cooperation with Paula because she has a profound work experience and well-developed skills. At the same time, Paula can adapt to new norms quicker if she is assisted by someone from her team. It is obvious that there are some serious issue with team work between housekeepers. Paulas performance can get worse because she is treated as an outsider by her team. As the